We are excited to announce that Center for Domestic Peace will be expanding services beginning July 1 to include victims of sexual assault. Sexual assault and sexual violence affect people regardless of gender, age, race, or economic background in any community. Jackson County has been fortunate to have REACH of Macon County provide sexual assault services for our residents while CDP is growing as an agency. We are grateful for their continued support as well as the partnerships we have with a variety of local agencies and community services. Over the next month CDP will be reaching out to hospitals, doctor’s offices, businesses, and health providers to ensure a smooth transition of services.

We are committed to helping all members of our community who have or are experiencing sexual violence. CDP Sexual Assault Intervention Services are free and confidential. A 24-hour, 7 day a week crisis hotline is available for victims. Trained advocates will be available to provide support and advocacy through the medical, investigative, and legal processes. Advocates are prepared to meet survivors at the hospital and will work to provide support throughout the survivor’s process.

As CDP prepares to take over sexual assault services in July, Harris Regional Hospital is in the midst of adding a forensic nursing department. A forensic exam is an examination by medical personnel trained to gather evidence of a sexual assault in a manner that is recognized in a court of law. Anyone in current need of a forensic exam has to travel to Buncombe County. Harris Regional Hospital will be providing a much needed service and will help to alleviate the further stress of travel for survivors.

This item is excerpted from our May, 2022 newsletter. To subscribe to future newsletters click here.